Every day, the Church of the Holy Communion is proud of the warm, welcoming, family atmosphere the parish provides. Programs such as Sunday school, prayer group and both local and international outreach show the church’s commitment to grow and serve God in this community.
Sunday services are at 10 AM….All are welcome!
The church services, regularly scheduled for 10:00 a.m., will be also be available online via Zoom for Sundays. Please telephone the church at 845-628-6144 if you need assistance.
Holy Communion is inviting you to Holy Eucharist, Rite II, and Morning Prayer, Rite II, from Home or in the Church Building at 10 am – Sundays
Join Zoom Meeting: Church from home
Meeting ID: 420 254 3520
Here are some links to information and meditations that you may find helpful:
Lectionary Readings: (copy and paste this link into your browser and then go to the readings by date)
Links for more information: